Monday 15 April 2013

Fish and chips at the seaside.

Seagull with fish and chips

As part of my research into the British seaside I looked at what foods we eat when we are at the coast. Apart from the obvious sweet treats of seaside rock and the traditional cockles and mussels, we also love to eat fish and chips!

I came across an article where a professor at Oxford University stated that the flavour of fish and chips was improved by the 'ambient sound' of waves crashing - but we already knew that anyway.

There's just something special about seaside fish and chips. You expect the fish to be fresh off a boat and together with the open air and eating from our greasy fingers, there's just nothing quite like it.

There's just one more thing...the seagulls...and for that reason, they also appear in my illustration.

Salt and vinegar anyone?

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